Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    


The *Journal of economic perspectives

American Economic Association,
American Economic Association

Arcavacata di Rende 87036 Rende , tel. 0984 496355 , fax. 0984 496366
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Le annate di riviste cartacee antecedenti al 1990 al momento non sono consultabili.
Holdings: 1991-2008;
Lacunae: LAC.
Last update holding 2022

c. Italia, 55 95129 Catania , tel. 0957537580 , fax. 0957537585
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Holdings: 1990-
Lacunae: 1997;2000;
Call number: E/561 esp
Last update holding 2020

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Holdings: 1992-2012;
Call number: 2759/XII
Last update holding 2021

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Holdings: 1991-1994;1996;1998;2001;2003-2012;
Call number: Per. 1518
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1987-2017;
Holdings detail: 1987-n.2 2017; poi è solo online;
Call number: DEPOSITO T5.7.15
Last update holding 2023

Largo Papa Giovanni Paolo II, 1 71121 Foggia , tel. 0881/582551-0881/582551 , fax. 0881/582552
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Holdings: 1993-
Lacunae: 1996;2000;2005;2010;2013-2016;
Notes: Causa lavori di efficientamento energetico tutte le riviste estere non potranno essere consultate ed evase sino alla data del 31/12/2019.
Last update holding 2018

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Holdings: 1987-2015;
Call number: RIV STR 1354
Last update holding 2021

via S. Angelo in Th, snc 03043 Cassino , tel. 07762993404 , fax. 07762993400
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Holdings: 1991-2011;
Lacunae: 1997-1998;2011;
Call number: Ecoper 43
Last update holding 2015

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Holdings: 2010-
Notes: Fondi: Sede Economia - Solo consultazione
Last update holding 2022

Via Nizza, 8 18100 Imperia , tel. 0183666362 , fax. 0183666362
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Holdings: 1997-2007;
Lacunae: 1997;2005;
Notes: Fondi: IMPA
Last update holding 2021

Biblioteca. Facoltà di Economia dell'Università
via per Monteroni 73100 Lecce , tel. 0832320840 , fax. 0832320840
Holdings: 1991-1992;1994-
Last update holding 1995

Via XXIV Maggio, 7 04100 Latina , tel. 0773/476606 , fax. 0773/476617
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Holdings: 1995-1999;
Lacunae: 1995;
Call number: CORR H1
Notes: Numeri mancanti: 2(1995);
Last update holding 2023

Piazza S. Ponziano, 6 55100 Lucca , tel. 05834326701/2 , fax. 05834326799
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Holdings: 1987-2004;2006-2007;2009;2012-2013;
Lacunae: 1995;2004;2006-2007;
Last update holding 2023

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A causa del sisma dell'ottobre 2016 la biblioteca è parzialmente inagibile e il servizio di DD in uscita per il materiale cartaceo è parzialmente sospeso.
Holdings: 1987-1995;2002-2006;
Call number: Bibl. Giur.
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1989-2003;2006-2007;
Call number: PER 294
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1988;1991-2006;
Lacunae: 2006;
Call number: RIV. ECON. 7
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1988-1990;1994-1998;2000-2001;
Lacunae: 1997;2000-2001;
Call number: E.Riv.Str.41
Local subject headings: Dip. SEAM
Notes: Dettaglio lacune: nn.1, 2(1997); nn.1, 2(2000); nn.3, 4(2001).
Last update holding 2022

c. di Porta Vittoria,6 20122 Milano , tel. 0288463357 , fax. 0288463443
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Il deposito di via Quaranta e' attualmente chiuso per lavori di manutenzione straordinaria.
Holdings: 1987- Issues received
Call number: O PER 2608
Last update holding 2007

Via Carlo Bo, 1 20143 Milano , tel. 02-891412216 , fax. 02-891413216
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Holdings: 1990-2010;
Lacunae: 1995;
Call number: PER 438
Notes: Fascicoli mancanti: 4(1995).
Last update holding 2023

via U. Gobbi, 5 20136 Milano , tel. ++390258365027 , fax. ++390258365100
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Holdings: 1987-
Last update holding 2022

v. Celoria, 2 20133 Milano , tel. 02.50316428 , fax. 02.50316427
Request a document
Holdings: 1987-2015;
Holdings detail: 1(1987)-29(2015);
Call number: DEPAA. PER. 061
Last update holding 2022

Largo A. Gemelli, 1 20123 Milano , tel. (02) 72342709 , fax. (02) 72342679
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Holdings: 1987-
Last update holding 2023

via Festa del Perdono, 7 20122 Milano , tel. (02)503.12952 , fax. (02)503.12251
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Holdings: 1989-
Last update holding 2010

Via Conservatorio, 7 20122 Milano , tel. 0250321126 - 0250335502 , fax. 0250321135
Request a document
Holdings: 1987-2015;2017-
Lacunae: 1996;
Call number: PER. 0885
Notes: Dettaglio lacune: n. 1(1996);
Last update holding 2023

v. Saldini,50 20133 Milano , tel. (02)50316116
Request a document
Holdings: 1987-2009;
Holdings detail: 1(1987)-6(1992);9(1995)-23(2009);
Lacunae: 1987-1988;
Call number: MAT.PER. 1519
Last update holding 2023
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>